Thursday 24 November 2011

Jono Bacon Interview About Ubuntu 12.04 Cycle

Jono Bacon Interview About Ubuntu 12.04 Cycle
During the Ubuntu Development Summit for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager, gave an interview to Amber Graner, an Ubuntu contributor involved in the community since February 2009.

Jono spoke about the need of Canonical to recalibrate the community in such a way that more people join in the development process, in greater numbers than before.

According to the  Ubuntu Community Manager, Canonical also needs to focus a lot more on the end-users and needs to become a commercial success, without loosing sight on the Linux enthusiasts, especially because the community has grown a lot in recent times.

Jono also said that Leadership Summit that took place in Orlando, Florida, served its purpose and that a lot of leaders are needed in order to continue the development of different areas of Ubuntu, from Unity to Cloud.

You can watch the entire, 5 minutes and 54 seconds long, interview with Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager, right here on this page, at the top. Enjoy!

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